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Corporate benchmark

Transparency international and Mongolian NONGO/ TI- mongolia/ has established business ethics program for Mongolian businesses in 2020. This includes the anti corruption framework - Cooperate Anti-Corruption Benchmarking/ which was established in 2023 April. 


How it works:

It is a comprehensive “self-assessment” tool in a question-and-answer format that evaluates the anti corruption and anti-bribery policies and practices of CACB (Cooperate Anti-corruption Benchmark) is based on transparency International’s private sector anti-corruption expertise, international best practices and expert opinions and recommendations 

What we do:

-comparison with other participating companies, 

-review policies and procedures, identify weaknesses and areas that need improvement, 

learn about corruption, bribery and international best practices from Transparency International’s anti-corruption experts, 

- participate in specifics in-depth training, learn for the experience of other companies and improve your own policies and procedures, 

- see how your company’s anti-corruption policies and procedures are consistent with Transparency International’s best practices


Obligations and commitments of the top level of the company 

-high risk area 

- Human Resources 

-policies and procedures 

-communication, training, and development 

- Business relations 

-managing and dealing with third parties 


Companies wishing to participate in the program will receive a login name and password from TI-Mongolia after signing a contract. After receiving a login and password, companies can log into their dashboard on the CACB website and begin answering questions online. The deadline for answering the questions will be two months. After answering the questions, TI-Mongolia will review the answers of the participants and inform the participants of the evaluation results. Ie- How they ranked. 

Advanced training

TI- Mongolia will organise in-depth training every month during CACB implementation period, and participants are encouraged to actively participate. These trainings will focus on mitigating risks identified during the CACB process. These courses also have the following advantages: 

- learn about good practices from Transparency International and other participants 

- present and discuss the company’s anti-corruption policies and procedures to other participants and industry leaders. 

-share your problems in the context of corruption and bribery 


all information received and discovered within CACB will be kept confidential. Participants can only see their own company’s ranking and score, so it is not possible to see how other companies ranked. 

Corruption Perceptions Index



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